Thursday, November 01, 2007

Doing my part to end world blog hunger

Lisa b of Hightouchmegastore has ordered that everyone blog every day for the month of November in honor of NaBlogPoMo or the National Blog Posting Month. Given my reputation for complete compliance to requests and peer pressure, I at first was tempted to take the entire month of November off from any sort of writing with the final post being "screw that" in regards to NaBlogPoMo. I don't mind being an asshole like that, generally, but I thought better of it as it would not be nice to Hightouch who has been a faithful reader and commenter for several years now, and I pretty much write the most inane crap everyday anyway, so it really isn't going to be that different now, is it?

So here I am, just doing my part. Small children in India will no longer have to go without blog posts about ex-kid show stars who stalk bloggers to read!

"Good night, and good luck" or is that "Courage"?

1 comment:

  1. >>I don't mind being an asshole like that, generally


    >>I pretty much write the most inane crap everyday anyway

    not at all! what about your thoughtful essays, bringing to this reader's attention things she otherwise would remain ignorant of?

    anyway, glad I'll have a daily post to look forward to from you!
