Number of sport coats packed and worn on my six day trip to San Francisco: 2.
Number of overcoats worn (but brought) on my six day trip to San Francisco: 0. (The weather was perfectly clear except the morning I left, when there was intermittent rain.)
Number of shoes packed for my six day trip to San Francisco (for Dr. Write): 2 pair. A pair for fancy loafers and my new Adidas regular wear trainers.
Number of shirts spilled on during my six day trip to San Francisco: 2. Do I know myself or what?
Number of spilled-on shirts worn despite soilage: 1. Meh. It was night.
Number of pairs of socks left over: 2. Hmm.
Number of slacks not worn: 2. Go green!
Number of ties worn: 2. Perfect planning.
"Outfit" that got the best reception: light blue shirt, khaki pants, and 60's whacky black coat with bold fancy red stripe tie I bought on super closeout (5 bucks regularly 50) at Macy's two years ago with the afore-mentioned loafers.
Expense of said outfit: less than 20 bucks if you don't count the shoes. And the shoes were only 30 bucks original price 95. Close out is your friend. Price not on close out or as hand-me-downs (the wicked whacky sixties jacket) over 500, I think.
Clothes that prevented me from getting a nasty San Francisco flu: 0. I have finally recovered from it. I blame the vagrants. They just don't know how to dress.