Monday, December 22, 2008

New Kitten

New Kitten
Originally uploaded by Theorris

In the few short hours he's been living with me, I've kind of gotten used to him. (See the previous entry to get the story of how he came to be here.) He also seems to have taken a shine to me. Go figure. He's a very affectionate and playful cat. He also likes to tease the other cat, which I find infinitely amusing.

He came with the name "Tango" which I'm not liking that much. I have, therefore, set up a poll other there on the side bar (-->) where you can vote on a name for him.

What's it to be?


  1. Anonymous6:43 PM

    I think Furble-Destroyer of Worlds!

    That's just me though...

  2. That's pretty good, Cam.

  3. The Venerable Bede! The Venerable Bede!

    Also, I love the idea of you calling the kitty using the article: "Here, The Venerable Bede! Here, TVB!" Of course, you may possibly just do as all the humans do--or at least as I always do--and just end up calling the kitty "Kitty."

  4. Great looking cat. I voted for the name Zeus.

  5. Great Idea! Its the interwebs at work. That is one damn cute cat.
