Monday, December 22, 2008

Kindness to animals

63/365: New cat
Originally uploaded by Theorris

Early this morning, my neighbor came over with a curious box in hand. It contained the above cat. Apparently a friend of hers obtained the cat, but that friend's husband was go-to-the-emergency-room, epi-shot level allergic to cats. She wondered if I could take the cat, since he was scheduled to be euthanized in a couple of hours.


What the hell can one do when one is called to an act of humaneness so early on the Monday morning before Christmas?

"Tango" (a name which I don't particularly care for) has settled in nicely the hour he has been here. Even the other cat doesn't mind him, and seems to want to play. That's a far sight better than he usually is with comrade cats.

Its a Festivus miracle!


  1. Cute kitty. Probably the cat doesn't like "Tango" either, so you could re-name him--The Venerable Bede would be a good name, I think.

  2. Well if we're going for saints, today's saint is the Blessed Jacopone da Todi. Now that's a hell-of-a name.

  3. Again, it proves that the special ones find their way to you.

    He's beautiful, those eyes! especially when he's on your (his) blue chair.


  4. Now I know where I can drop off my cat that bites. To use a rationalization from the BBC series, Father Ted, I think I need to unfairly foist this cat (we have three) on someone to prevent a larger sin--murder of cat by wife.

    good luck.

  5. Bandar! That is the name of the furniture mover that helped us yesterday. He had killer blue eyes too.

  6. You can call him Ban (sounds like Ben) for short.

  7. If you don't like Tango, you can go for Cash.
