No worries, I thought, I'll do it when I get back.
More famous last italicized words, it would seem.
When I returned from the adventure in nearly mid January, after having spent a whirlwind trip in a dark, cold, yet absolutely enthralling Atlantic Archipelago, I rushed back into a new semester, and gave little thought to my little webby friend, and, having experienced the soul-crushing realization that exchanged rates suck, I wasn't about to plonk down one more Euro. My previous domain name provider, you see, was based in France. Not one red euro-cent shall I provide to the economy of Europe! I resolved.
Now, as the poet says, way goes on to way, and in between dealing with various crisis at my place of employment--a couple of weeks of trying to cover the demand of 30K students with 3 part-time employees due to a managerial fuck up (not on my part), and then helping 6 new folks learn the ropes, and then having the previous managerial fuck up rectified and being back to a more sustainable workforce, and then trying to write a speech that was giving me fits, and then just, you know, dealing with snow and winter and ice and realizing how much money one can really spend while traveling even if most of the places you stayed at were free--I neglected my pretty little domain so much that she went and run off on me. is currently shacking up with something called HugeDomains. To top that, said HugeDomains apparently wants $1,695.00 ransom or palimony or dowry or whatever to get little Siggy back into my arms. Yeah, right.
The contents of the blog had not disappeared, of course, as they are safely stored by our friends at Google. What had disappeared was my antediluvian URL. Gone. Gone. Gone.
So I thought
But why not let it go? I thought. What's the point of it? What's the point? Meh. It should go. Leave it like a bad habit. Leave it like a pair of worn out old socks.
And so I let it go.
Weeks passed and my mind kept tricking me back to writing posts--about my travels in Anglo-Celtic Isles, about the weird experience of Las Vegas and having my ex invite me to have dinner with her child, her husband, and her fruit trees (that will be a poem, some day), about my weird little finds on the Internetic tubes. But no. I was done with it. Done! No reason to put anything on it, even though I can. No. Don't. It is dead to you. Dead.
And then, suddenly, I'm sitting there at my place of employ, listening to my most excellent colleague Hightouch Megastore, and I had a pang in my fingers to write. Write. Write and share it with others.
O! Where art thou?
So then I bought on the cheap and all is well.
I mean the whole .com thing is so late 90's. And like I was making any money off that cheating old domain anyway. Good luck with that, HugeDomains.
So say hello to
Same old thing but new flashy clothes!
Issue 31. 12 years in the making.
Next up: adventures in the value-laden/value-free Isles! (Maybe.)
I did not know how much I missed ye.